6131 Augusta Road, Greenville, SC


**Property is Sold and Now Selling all Equipment, Vehicle, Parts & Accessories Wall to Wall

Auction: Friday, May 24th at 10AM

Preview of Contents:
Thursday May 23 - 9am-2pm

David J. Meares
, CAI, SCAL 620 864-444-1322 
Larry Meares, BIC, CAI, SCAL 109 864-444-1321 
Email: davidjmearesllc@gmail.com


Items to include: 2006 Mazda SUV, 16' Double Axle Trailer, Schumacher Battery Charger, 500 Amp Battery Load Tester, Floor Fans, Tools Boxes, Hand Tools, Power Tools, New V-Belts, Wood & Metal Shelving, Lots of Scrap Metal, Work Benches, Vises, New & Rebuilt Alternators and Starters, Alternator & Starter Cores, New Parts & Accessories for Alternators & Starters, Desks, File Cabinets, Crumbliss Model 1850 Alternator, Generator & Starter Tester, Crumbliss Model 2450 Alternator, Generator & Starter Tester, Jet Model BD-1325R Lathe, Zero Blast-N-Peen Sandblasting Cabinet, KAR Industries Automatic Blaster (Steel Shot), "Blast-It-All" Sandblasting Cabinet, Bench Grinders, CUDA Model H2O-2412 Aqueous Parts Washer, GE Refrigerator/Freezer, Microwave, Canon Printer and Many Other Items....

Terms of Auction

All items sell "As-Is" with no warranty or guarantee by Meares Properties nor Mr. Alternator.  All items sold must be paid for on day of auction by Cash, Approved Checks, Visa, MC, Discover or American Express.  A 13% buyers fee applies to all purchases.  A 3% discount will be given if paying by Cash or Check.

Removal of Items

Days and Times to remove all items are as follows; Auction day until 5pm, Saturday, May 25th from 8am until 3pm.  Monday, May 27th from 8am until 3pm (yes Memorial Day).  These are the ONLY move out days and times.  If items are left after the posted times, those items will be listed as forfeited items and NO REFUNDS will be given.

***Announcements made on Day of Auction Take Precedence over Any and All Printed Material.


 Larry J. Meares, Broker in Charge, SCAL 109/ 864-444-1321

Fill out the form below if you have any questions!